Thursday, June 11, 2009

my life is about. . .

i started my study at kindergarden in klang when i'm in 6 years old.
then,went to primary schools,secondary schools,matriculation,university..and now..INSEP..

almost all of my routine life is about studying,and playing..and mixing with other people..

not to say that i had a lot of experiences, and of course..
i'm not a bookworm (teeet!) who just sit and read (even most of my friends said it so)..

just thinking of the past,i can easily laugh at myself..

all the 'sengal','adventurous' and crazy things that i've made with my friends, and it turns me into who i am..

and thinking of the future, i just hope i'm gonna be the better person from before..hopefully,it's not just a 'hope'...

the end.

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